Fedare chairlift opening

Fedare chairlift opening

Fedare chairlift opening On Saturday, July 13, the chairlift that leads from Rifugio Fedare, to Rifugio Averau, reopens again for this summer season. The start is served by a convenient parking lot along Dolomites Provincial Road 48, from where even those less...
Goulashkanone has arrived

Goulashkanone has arrived

Goulashkanone has arrived The Goulashkanone, the Austro-Hungarian field kitchen heralding the August 4 event, has arrived. Just placed near the Averau hut is the historic Goulaschkanone, the military field kitchen of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Army used...
Stammtisch: all great things begin around a table

Stammtisch: all great things begin around a table

Avremmo potuto chiamarlo “tavolo vip” o qualcosa di simile, ma abbiamo preferito definirlo “Stammtisch”. La parola Stammtisch non è propriamente traducibile in italiano ma ha un significato preciso e profondo: è un luogo dove si incontrano regolarmente le persone,...